The problem

Who for?

How it works

What you learn



Burning Out from Endless Client Work Just Got A Whole Lot Harder...

Two days at the CEO Product Lab is all you need to design, develop, and deploy a productized service that frees up your time and amplifies your business revenue.

This goes beyond the guru advice to "raise your rates", "charge your worth", and other useless fluff that doesn't actually help you. 🙄

Transforming your bespoke service into a sleek, sellable product isn't just a dream – it's your upcoming reality. This is where you stop trading hours for dollars and start scaling smart.


It's time to escape the grind.

You're the brain and heart behind your business, transforming lives with your unique service. But let's face it – the daily grind of managing every little detail is wearing you down. You started this journey to make a difference, not to get lost in the weeds of operations.

The CEO Product Lab is more than just a live experience. It's your ticket to reclaiming the CEO hat in your business, the promise of a lifestyle business where freedom and profit coexist.

a better way

If you've ever felt that the traditional models of hustle and grind, the constant push to get clients, and the pressure to build a pipeline are draining your spirit, you're not alone. You're ready to productize, to find a sales model that respects your time, reflects your value, and resonates with your clients – clients who see and appreciate the depth of your expertise.

You're working too hard for the money 💸

You're stuck working 10, 12, sometimes 14-hour days just to keep up with the demand. You're often wonder why, despite your best efforts, your business doesn’t seem to run unless you’re behind the wheel every single second. You're stuck in the anxiety of unpredictable income, where one month is overflowing and the next is alarmingly scarce. You're stuck worrying if the business you’ve poured your heart into will be sustainable and scalable in the long run.

You're second-guessing + doubting yourself 😩

You lie awake at night, staring at the ceiling, thinking about how you can get it all done. Maybe you've even found yourself wondering if the "hustle" is truly worth it. Maybe you've asked yourself, "Am I really cut out for this?" or, "Is this what success is supposed to feel like?" You're tired, overwhelmed, and yet, you persist. Because that's who you are. You're a fighter, a problem-solver, a determined spirit who won’t back down.

But here's the thing👇🏽

Running a successful business shouldn’t mean sacrificing your health, relationships, or peace of mind. It shouldn’t require constant hustle and endless work hours. It shouldn't leave you feeling overwhelmed and burned out. There is a better way and it's time for you to make the switch.

It's time for you to transition from random acts of tiny improvement to a more refined, targeted, and strategic approach that will get big results.

the new norm

Let's dream big for a moment and create a new vision of what's possible for you and your business...

Imagine a different scenario. One where you're able to deliver outstanding services to your clients, without feeling like you're constantly racing against the clock. Picture yourself creating a client onboarding experience that's seamless, personalized, and effortlessly leads to raving testimonials.

Envision your business processes flowing smoothly, like a well-oiled machine, without needing your constant, frantic intervention.

What if you could actually sit back, take a breath, and finally live the life of a solo CEO? The life where you lead, strategize, and make high-impact decisions, while your well-tuned system does the heavy lifting.


Yes, it's possible, and it's closer than you think.

There is a way to leap out of the cycle of overwhelm and step into a role that truly aligns with your entrepreneurial vision - that of a strategic CEO.

The key to this transformation? A unique methodology that I've developed called the CEO Switch Framework.

the foundation

The CEO Switch is about realigning your business operations to reflect your vision, your strengths, your values, and your unique circumstances.

In the jungle of advice and strategies out there, it's easy to feel lost and skeptical. You’ve tried countless solutions before. You've read the books, enrolled in the courses, and maybe even hired a coach. But nothing seems to stick, and you're left asking, "Why didn’t it work?"

The CEO Switch Framework is different because it isn't just another strategy, tool, or hack – it's a complete mindset shift. It’s about transitioning from seeing yourself as a worker trapped in the daily grind of your business, to becoming a strategic leader who oversees and directs.

It's about taking a step back to see the bigger picture. Instead of getting caught up in the daily tasks and operations, you'll start thinking about strategic growth, scalability, and long-term visions. Instead of just doing, you'll start planning, analyzing, and leading.

Imagine having the clarity and focus to make strategic decisions that move your business forward. Imagine having a team or automated systems handling the day-to-day tasks, leaving you with the time and space to concentrate on what really matters – growing your business and creating impact.

CEO Switch Is The Framework For Finding Your Way Out Of The Weeds And Fully Stepping Into Your Solo CEO Shoes

When you make the switch to focus on organizing your business's five key departments in a way that aligns with your lifestyle that's what will take you from an overworked operator to a strategic CEO.

1 - Direction

The Direction department is the big-picture planning zone. It's where you chart the course for your business and decide where you're heading. Think of it like your business's North Star, guiding all the actions and decisions you make. It's not just about setting goals, but about weaving your vision, mission, and values into the very fabric of your business. It's also about doing a little bit of detective work, understanding your market, and knowing what your clients want even before they do.

2 - Pipeline

The Pipeline department is your business's charm offensive. It's where you roll out the red carpet for your potential clients, showing them why they should choose you over anyone else. This isn't about pushy sales tactics or sleazy marketing jargon; it's about authentic connections, conversations that matter, and creating offerings so good your clients can't help but say yes.

3 - Operations

Operations is the engine room of your business. It's where things actually get done. This is all about making sure that once clients say yes, their experience with you is as smooth as a hot knife through butter. It's about delivering your services in a way that wows your clients, keeps things ticking along without you having to roll up your sleeves for every little detail, and making sure nothing falls through the cracks.

4 - Finance

Let's face it, you're in business to make money, and the Finance department is where you keep an eye on that money. This isn't just about counting beans; it's about planning for the future, making sure you're getting paid (on time!), and ensuring your hard-earned cash is working as hard as you do. And let's not forget the legal side of things – keeping everything above board, protecting your business, and sleeping easy knowing you're covered.

5 - Production

The Production department is your business's innovation hub. It's where you dream up and create the amazing services that your clients can't wait to buy. This is all about meeting your clients' needs, upping your game, and making sure your offerings are as fresh, exciting, and valuable as possible. And if you're thinking about creating passive income products (hello, work smarter not harder!), this is the department that makes it happen.

All of the hats, with less stress

Being a solo CEO doesn't have to be overwhelming or complicated.

Each of these "departments" are just roles that you, as a solopreneur, take on in your business. They're parts of your business where you get to express your creativity, deliver value, and make an impact.

And remember, you're not alone in this. You have the power to create a team, either of people and/or systems, to support you along the way.

the best part

This isn't some theoretical model with little practical application. It's a robust, actionable blueprint that you can implement, starting today.


The CEO Switch Framework offers a novel approach that cuts through the noise and clutter of today's entrepreneurial landscape. Instead of chasing after every new trend, every tantalizing tool, you'll learn to focus on what truly matters for your business.


Each component of this framework is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to optimize a specific aspect of your business, ultimately leading you towards operational excellence and sustainable growth.

Now, it's time to put this groundbreaking methodology into action in this transformative live weekend experience specifically designed for women like you, who are ready to make the CEO Switch and want a clear path to more ease, efficiency, and growth in their business.

brought to you by the CEO Switch

Let's put an end to spending too many hours on client work and constantly feeling like you have no life outside of your business with...

Over two transformative days, we're going to deep dive into the business operations department - dissecting the good, the bad, and the ugly. Then, we'll work together to create a robust operational system, one that streamlines your processes, improves efficiency, and saves you TIME.

A system that allows your business to grow and flourish, even when you’re not in the driver’s seat every moment (and is doable if you're a solo CEO, have a micro team, or want to build an empire).

This isn't about temporary quick fixes; it's about building sustainable systems.

Systems that not only keep your business running smoothly and help you maintain your sanity but also make it easy for you to reclaim your time, boost your income, and step into your CEO role -- all while avoiding burnout.

It’s time for you to have a business that works for you, not the other way around!






Here's Exactly What's Included


Establish A Strategic Foundation

In this section, you'll know exactly what it takes to create a system that helps your business run smoother, so you can step back from the grind and start leading.

Walk Away With:

  • A straightforward blueprint that helps you look at your business like a CEO, so you can spot what's holding you back

  • A simple, four-step process that helps you get clear on what's not working in your business, how to fix it, and how to make it stick

Quick Start Resource

Side Hustle Ideation Worksheet

In addition to the training, you'll get my ideation worksheet that drastically cuts down on the conception phase. Selecting the right side hustle idea for you has never been easier and can be done in minutes by using this fantastic tool.


Key Functions Self-Assessment

This fantastic tool will help you quickly identify how you're currently handling key areas like service delivery and project management, so you can pinpoint where your business systems need to level up.

Walk Away With:

  • Clarity on exactly what you offer and who you serve, which helps you focus your energy and resources where they matter most

  • A delivery process that leverages automation to streamline the backend, ensuring quality and consistency while freeing up your time


Master Efficient Service Delivery

In this section, you'll have a full 360 view of your offers and a foolproof system to streamline the way you deliver your services, making the most of automation to free you up to focus on doing the parts of your business that you love.

Walk Away With:

  • Clarity on exactly what you offer and who you serve, which helps you focus your energy and resources where they matter most

  • A delivery process that leverages automation to streamline the backend, ensuring quality and consistency while freeing up your time

Quick Start Resource

Offer Key Decisions Guide

In addition to the training, you'll receive my offer key decisions guide. With this 11-page document at your fingertips, you’ll have the all-inclusive formula to quickly create an offer that will fly off the virtual shelves and have clients lining up to work with you.

CEO Switch Resource

Process Design Template

In addition to the training, you'll receive my process design template so you can quickly map out each step in your service delivery process, making it easier to spot bottlenecks, redundancies, and other areas for improvement.


Set Up Smooth Client Onboarding

In this section, you'll be equipped to create a client onboarding experience that feels seamless and personalized, leading to increased client satisfaction and loyalty.

Walk Away With:

  • Knowing the crucial moments in your client interactions - starting from the moment they say YES

  • An onboarding process that makes sure no client falls through the cracks and they get the best first impression

Quick Start Resource

Launch In A Weekend Roadmap

In addition to the training, you'll receive a customizable launch in a weekend gameplan. Using this step-by-step roadmap and checklist, you’ll have everything you need to design your launch with ease and flow (in other words, no procrastination allowed!).

CEO Switch Resource

Onboard Like A Pro Automation Tutorial

In this step-by-step tutorial, I'll show you exactly how we use FG Funnels to automate the entire client onboarding process from start to finish - so you can focus on delivering exceptional client service.

Walk Away With:

  • A time management system that prioritizes what matters most to you

  • Knowing how to use project tools to help you maintain an ideal work-life balance


Improve Your CEO Productivity

In this section, you'll have a clear roadmap for managing your key tasks and projects effectively, with tools and strategies to help you prioritize and create a balanced work schedule.

Walk Away With:

  • A time management system that prioritizes and helps you laser focus on what matters most to you

  • Knowing how to use project tools to help you maintain an ideal work-life balance while keeping things on schedule

CEO Switch Resource

Productive CEO Solo Note

In this deep dive tutorial, you'll get an inside peek at how to apply executive scheduling best practices to your solopreneur schedule and achieve the right mix that works for YOU.


Streamline Your Operations

In this module, you'll have a clear roadmap of your business's operational flow, know how to spot and tackle any problems head-on, and understand how to make everything run more smoothly.

Walk Away With:

  • A clear picture of how things actually work in your day-to-day business (and how you want things to work)

  • A complete tactical operations hub that makes sure all the working parts in your business are working in harmony

CEO Switch Resource

Solo CEO Operations Plan

With this game-changing resource, you'll map out an adaptable ops plan specifically designed for solopreneurs that will guarantee your business runs like a well-oiled machine.

Walk Away With:

  • Understanding what tools and resources you need to grow your business

  • A growth strategy that adapts to the changing needs of your lifestyle


Make Your Business Scalable

In this section, you'll have a plan in place to grow your business, understand what changes you need to make to handle that growth, and feel confident that your efficient system can handle it all.

Walk Away With:

  • Understanding what tools and resources you need to grow your business (and the ones you don't need)

  • A growth strategy that adapts to the changing needs of your lifestyle and business ecosystem

CEO Switch Resource

Revenue Roadmap Template

With this customizable template, you'll have a clear idea of where you want your business to go and what growth means for you, whether that's more clients, higher income, or expanding your services.

→ tagline for your module

Name of Module 1

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→ tagline for your module

Name of Module 2

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→ tagline for your module

Name of Module 3

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Show off just how much easier, lighter, happier, better things will be when this solution is placed into their lives.

Two-month pass

You're busy... that's why you'll have flexibility when you join.

The System Like A CEO Live 2-day event happens monthly on the 3rd weekend of the month. One of the perks you'll get when you sign up is a two-month pass to attend the upcoming event that best fits your schedule (or, you can attend both of the next two events if you'd like!).


The System Like A CEO Live curriculum is built upon the CEO Switch Framework that I've developed over 20+ years working alongside top executives and coaching solo entrepreneurs. I know that it works, and the customizable frameworks and models that we'll install in your business will undoubtedly change the game for you...

During the 2-day event, you'll get all the training, templates, and hands-on support you need to create an efficient operations system that reduces your workload and keeps your business running smoothly - This is my promise to you.🤝


Meet Carin Kilby Clark!

Hey there👋🏽, I'm Carin, and I am so excited to be on this journey with you! Over the past 20 years, I've been empowering high-performing leaders in various industries, and I'm the Co-founder of Mixed Media Pros and the creator of the CEO Switch. My passion lies in helping women like us grow personally and financially, so we can rock the business world!🙌🏽

As a certified professional coach with master marketer and full focus planner pro certifications, I've crafted a coaching approach that aligns perfectly with what we experience in System Like a CEO Live. Together, we'll transform your business operations and mindset, taking it to a whole new level of success.

My coaching style is all about making things simple and effective. We'll focus on high-impact tasks, implement powerful systems, and keep that balance and energy flowing. Say goodbye to stress and hello to sustainable growth and abundant success – all while keeping our sanity intact!👌🏽

You'll find my articles in The Huffington Post, Thrive Global, How To Learn, and Brainz Magazine, where I share insights that will help you crush it in both life and business. I am beyond thrilled to be your guide through this transformative 2-day live workshop, System Like a CEO Live. We're going to unleash your full potential and lead your business with confidence, like the rockstar CEO you are meant to be. Get ready to dive in headfirst and watch your dreams come to life – I'll be cheering you on every step of the way! Let's make magic happen together! 🎉💪🏽


there's more

There are a few extra perks included when you join today (because, why not!).



The do-it-yourself course version of System Like a CEO will be released this Fall. By securing your pass to the 2-day live event, you're also getting access to the course added to your member area at no additional cost upon release.



Solo CEO'ing is so much better with biz friends (who get it) by your side. That's why we'll have a private space on the internet to gather, share ideas, vent about our challenges, and be inspired as you continue to build your dream.



The System Like A CEO Live 2-day event happens each month like clockwork. One of the perks you'll get when you sign up is a 2-month pass to attend one or two of the upcoming events that best fit your schedule.



For participants who want additional accountability and coaching around installing the CEO Switch framework in your business, there will be an opportunity to upgrade into my accelerator program at a special rate.

It’s time for you to have a business that works for you, not the other way around!

The next live course is Saturday, October 28 - Sunday, October 29, 2023.

Our sessions start at 11 am ET each day.

*If you can't make it live, no worries! You'll get immediate and unlimited access to the recordings in your client portal. 💻

The investment for the 2-day System Like A CEO Live training, templates, and hands-on support is available at a special price for a limited time.

Today's Price = $500 $250

they said

Show off what sort of transformation happened because of your offer.


Real People + Real Results


Quin Brewington

“At the end of our coaching sprint, I had a handle on exactly what to do and when.”

After struggling to stay focused and execute on a big event that she had coming up, Quin was referred to me for coaching. I helped her create create a fully developed action plan to get her from point A to Z. At the end of our coaching sprint, she knew exactly what to do and when (and she masterfully executed a full booked event!).


Terrica Skaggs

“I could not have asked for a better strategist than Carin!”

After her first session with me, Terrica was on fire - so inspired and ready to get started. She loved how I transformed her ideas, concepts, and desires and integrated them with my own amazing ideas. At the end of our time together, she had a solid marketing roadmap to create the impact and income she’s always dreamed of having and her offers were structured for profit.

clarity and readiness to move forward

Marcia Sheehan

“Carin gets to the nitty gritty of your goals without making it overwhelming or scary.”

After spending countless hours stuck on how to grow her email list and create a solid customer journey, Marcia signed up for a business intensive. Before working with me, she was hesitant about her ability to follow through. I was able to get to the bottom line of her goals and help her create a solid plan that she was excited to take action and implement.

jane awesome

acme co.

Highlight on what they loved about your product.

Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros auris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros


Show off just how much easier, lighter, happier, better things will be when this solution is placed into their lives.


To make sure that we can support each person with hot seats, laser coaching, and personalized examples, there's a limited number of spots for each workshop.

Sign up today to guarantee that you can secure a spot.

It’s time for you to have a business that works for you, not the other way around!

The next live course is Saturday, October 28 - Sunday, October 29, 2023.

Our sessions start at 11 am ET each day.

*If you can't make it live, no worries! You'll get immediate and unlimited access to the recordings in your client portal. 💻

The investment for the 2-day System Like A CEO Live training, templates, and hands-on support is available at a special price for a limited time.

Today's Price = $500 $250

got any q's?

Answers to your burning questions about System Like A CEO Live.

I'm already swamped. How am I going to find the time to FINISH MY SYSTEM?

You're here because you want to reclaim your time, and we totally get it. The great thing about this workshop is you can refer back to the recordings as you continue to implement. Each section is designed to be digestible and actionable, so even with a busy schedule, you can make progress. Plus, remember, this is an investment in making your business run more efficiently - time spent now means loads of time saved later!

What if I don't have a team yet? Can I still apply what I'll learn at the workshop?

Absolutely! This workshop is designed to help you create efficient systems, whether you're flying solo or have a team. In fact, having these systems in place will make it easier when you're ready to grow and bring in help. Think of it as laying a strong foundation for your expanding business.

I'm not tech-savvy. Will I be able to handle the automation part of the workshop?

No worries! This workshop is created with the non-tech savvy in mind. We'll guide you through the automation process in a jargon-free, easy-to-follow way. And remember, automation is all about making your life easier - once it's set up, it's going to save you a ton of time and stress.


You know that if you keep putting this off, your business stays stuck in the same exhausting cycle. Without taking action now, you risk facing more overwhelming workdays, less free time, and the ever-growing stress of an inefficient operation.

Let's put an end to spending too many hours on client work and

constantly feeling like you have no life outside of your business once and for all...

It’s time for you to have a business that works for you, not the other way around!

The next live course is Saturday, October 28 - Sunday, October 29, 2023.

Our sessions start at 11 am ET each day.

*If you can't make it live, no worries! You'll get immediate and unlimited access to the recordings in your client portal. 💻

The investment for the 2-day System Like A CEO Live training, templates, and hands-on support is available at a special price for a limited time.

Today's Price = $500 $250